Ways to Find and Recruit Talent


                                Ways to Find and Recruit Talent

“If we weren’t still hiring great people and pushing ahead at full speed, it would be easy to fall behind and become a mediocre company.”  – Bill Gates
While we all know that there is merit in the Microsoft co-founder’s words, the concern for most companies is not that they are reluctant to hire smart talent, but that they are unable to do so. In fact, 61% of companies say that finding qualified and experienced hires is their most difficult recruitment challenge.
So, how do successful companies manage to grab great talent and continue doing so as they grow?
Well, by drawing on these three tried and tested recruiting tips that work like a charm to attract and recruit talent:
  1. Go for Fresh Talent 
By partnering up with universities, you can find potential employees from a talent pool that hasn’t even joined the professional workforce yet. Or, if you’re looking for experienced candidates, use a job portal that can offer you active, fresh profiles, so you are spoilt for choice.
  1. Use a Targeted Approach 
A 2018 study claims that 67% of recruiters believe their job is more difficult than it was five years ago. A little more than a year later, and the situation has only gotten worse for hiring managers. Even if a particular strategy manages to attract people enough to apply, that won’t solve your concern if these candidates are not fit for the job.
To hire smartly, you need to look beyond the number of applications. Sure, it is advantageous to have a lot of people apply for a job with you, but it is more important to ensure that these are the right people. This is where a targeted approach comes into play.
You have to use a strategy that gets you only the most relevant candidates. While this required a lot of manual labour before, today, having the ideal software or being a part of the right job portal is enough to get you a vetted list of fitting candidates.
Recruit Talent
  1. Create an Employer Brand to Woo 
84% of job seekers believe that the reputation of the company plays a significant role in their decision to apply there. The good part is that most of the hiring managers know this, with 53% of companies claiming that if they had unlimited budgets, they would invest it in employer branding.
The bad one?
Only a few have the correct way to do it patted down. It is best to hire experts who can create and manage brand campaigns to positively influence people’s perception of your brand and culture.
It Is Never Too Late to Start 
Changing your hiring strategy to find the best talent is a meagre cost when compared to the years of smooth-sailing the right employee can guarantee. While the steps to attract and recruit talent may seem overwhelming, they are crucial to the success of your company. To make things easier and more efficient, join hands with reputed job portals like TapResume that can help you with all three steps of acquiring and recruiting talent and more.
