Recruiting Tips for tech companies


                                 Recruiting Tips for tech companies

With tech companies mushrooming at an exponential rate, it can be difficult to recruit and retain talent. In fact, a survey carried out by Indeed brought to light that about 86% of HR professionals find it difficult while recruiting tech talent. Issues like limited talent pool for niche requirements and stiff competition from other tech firms pose unique challenges to the recruiters.
These keep tech companies on their toes for finding recruiting tips that can meet their needs.
To help you in this quest, here are a few solid recruitment tips for 2020 that will make it a cakewalk:
Clearly Outline Job Specifications 
The primary hurdle that HR professionals and recruiters have to overcome is to understand the tech position. For a person with no tech background, front-end, back-end, and full-stack may appear to be the same. Hence, you should spend efforts on getting to know the job title, the corresponding skills required, and work experience, if any.
Basically, you are required to create the mold for an ideal employee for the said position, which the candidate must then fill. Only when you have a complete grasp of the job information will you be able to share these details with prospective candidates.
Think Outside the (Geographical) Lines 
Global tech talent appears to be concentrated in certain geographical pockets. It is a possibility that the talent shortage could exist due to the location of your company. In such a scenario, you should be open to international tech recruiting that allows for relocation, remote-working, or outsourcing purposes.
Tech recruitment
Rope in the Passive Candidates 
Here’s an interesting fact: according to Stack Overflow, while 16% of developers are actively searching for jobs, a whopping 75% of developers are still open to hearing about new job opportunities. These numbers indicate that the bulk of interested candidates may not even be spotted on the job boards. They can be found on forums and online communities where they contribute codes to help others. Given that job switching is a prevailing trend, you may approach them over personal mail with your offer, and they might indeed be extremely interested in working with you!
Do Your Homework 
You don’t have to be excellent at coding or IT technologies to assess and hire tech talent. However, it is essential that you have a basic understanding of programming technologies like software, languages, and codes to speak the candidate’s language. It allows you to build meaningful relationships with the candidate and practice your soft skills. In case you find it overwhelming to use tech jargon, you may consider hiring a skilled expert to identify the right candidate for you.
Test and Verify the IT Skills 
Everyone likes a good challenge. Naturally, candidates walk into a recruitment drive with the expectation that they will get the opportunity to display their skills and knowledge. Thus, you can put them to test by giving a challenge on something that relates to the job position. Try to make the test as innovative and interesting as possible to gain an insight into the candidate’s problem-solving capacities.
Know What the Talent Expects 
Before you start the selection process, you need to have a clear understanding of your company’s tech talent requirements. Similarly, you also have to be prepared to deal with the candidates’ expectations. These expectations could be regarding the salary, health benefits, and other perks. Hence, it is not only important to stay equipped with the answer to these questions but also convey it while communicating with candidates.
It’s a Wrap 
With the above technology recruiting tips, you can comfortably locate the candidate who is a perfect fit for your tech firm. Further, they can help foster personalized and authentic relations with the candidate and add more value to the recruitment exercise. With several enterprises fishing in the same talent pool, it becomes imperative to make use of creative recruitment to attract the right kind of talent. Over time, as your business develops into a brand, you will find it easier to attract suitable candidates to meet the company’s needs. Regardless of the recruitment strategy, do remember to maintain long-term goals as acquiring talent can be a long-drawn process.
