
Showing posts from March, 2020

5 Things That You Never Say To Your Boss

                            5 Things That You Never Say To Your Boss A dream job is one where your workplace is like your second home and your boss is friendly and easygoing. But, even if that is the case, these are 5 things that you should avoid saying to your boss unless you want to jeopardize your job. “I can’t wait to get a new job”  Even if your boss is the best of your best friends, this is the most forbidden sentence one can utter in front of their boss. No matter how liberal a person jobportal is, no one will ever be willing to lose an  employee . If you are efficient at what you do, there is no point of putting everything at stake by saying your wish out loud. “I’m too hungover to come to work”  This is a free world and you are absolutely free to believe in the saying: “Work hard and party harder”! But, your boss should be the last person getting bothered by the consequences of those parties. The simplest solution is to not drink so much that you wake up

9 Tips to Trigger a Great Career in Machine Learning

      9 Tips to Trigger a Great Career in Machine Learning Machine learning  (ML) is a branch of computer science that provides the capability to the computers to learn without the requirement of any clearly formulated programming. Machine Learning offers great  career opportunities  and is increasingly being used in almost all aspects of our knowledge domain – be it business, science, technology or even medicine and space research. In order to start a  career  in machine learning, you need to have the passion to learn new things, as learning and the ability to solve problems on a day to day basis is the success mantra of this field. Before you set the foot in this segment, it is imperative to have a basic understanding of what machine learning is all about including the mathematical logic, alternative technologies used and hands-on-experience required. This article is dedicated to all those professionals and students, who want to explore a career option in machine learnin

6 Tips to Consider While Hiring Emotionally Intelligent People

   6 Tips to Consider While Hiring Emotionally Intelligent People Emotional Intelligence codified Emotional intelligence is intelligence at a higher level and includes qualities such as emotional awareness, empathy and perfect identification of other people’s moods as well as managing the mood of the self. A leader’s emotional intelligence has an impact on the workplace, as it emphasizes his or her personal relationship traits. In fact, leaders who have high levels of emotional intelligence can easily communicate and work with all their stakeholders – be it customers, partners or co-workers. This will eventually develop a positive and productive workplace. In fact, if all the managers of the top management had a high level of emotional intelligence, there would be strong sync within your team, thereby empowering every associate to put his/her best efforts to make a mark. This would ultimately help your business to overcome various barriers, thereby strengthening your organ

Employer Brand

The Highest Paying Jobs in the Software Industry

            The Highest Paying Jobs in the Software Industry The  IT sector in India  is one of the biggest contributors to the Indian GDP – even if more than 90% of the population is still not digitally literate, the tech-savvy ones more than make-up for the considerable digital divide in the country. Jobs in the IT sector have been overshadowing those from other industries for many years now. The payout already being large enough to make the sector more appealing in terms of job prospects. Whether you are  job-hunting  or checking out the scope of pursuing an academic course, you should know that these are some of the highest salaries paid in the software industry: Software Developer A  software developer  is held in quite high esteem in today’s day and age. For the successful transition of a business onto the digital space, a software developer’s skills are very much needed. Also known as programmers, their primary responsibility constitutes developing computer appli

Hiring process

10 Tips to Choosing the Right Job Portal for your IT Job

                          Tips to Choosing the Right Job Portal for your IT Job Job portal  is the order of the day if you want to give your IT career a much-needed boost! Online job portals connect recruiters and job aspirants with the right skills and experience. Top IT companies use job portals to zero in on the right candidates, and schedule screening interviews.  Online job portals  are a boon to the job-seeking community given they provide the opportunity to land in their dream job with a few clicks. Meanwhile, countless online job portals are flooding the internet and you need to pick and choose the one that’s best suited for your career. Here are ten tips on the criteria you can use to zero in on the perfect portal: Figure out whether it’s a free or paid portal If you are a fresh IT Graduate, then it doesn’t make much sense for you to choose a portal that requires you to pay. Meanwhile, if you are on the lookout for premium jobs on bigger platforms, it is a

Recruiting Tips for tech companies

                                                             Recruiting Tips for tech companies With tech companies mushrooming at an exponential rate, it can be difficult to recruit and retain talent. In fact, a survey carried out by Indeed brought to light that about 86% of HR professionals find it difficult while  recruiting tech talent . Issues like limited talent pool for niche requirements and stiff competition from other tech firms pose unique challenges to the recruiters. These keep tech companies on their toes for finding  recruiting tips  that can meet their needs. To help you in this quest, here are a few solid recruitment tips for 2020 that will make it a cakewalk: Clearly Outline Job Specifications  The primary hurdle that HR professionals and recruiters have to overcome is to understand the tech position. For a person with no tech background, front-end, back-end, and full-stack may appear to be the same. Hence, you should spend efforts on getting to k

Tap Digital

Tech Job Certifications in Demand

                           Tech Job Certifications in Demand It is no secret that possessing tech-related certifications significantly up your chances of landing a tech job in the IT industry. According to an online survey conducted by IT Salary job portal Survey 2020, IDG Insider PRO, and Computer World, Professionals responded positively, stating that their ROI increased because of their IT certifications. There is also the fact that  tech job  certifications are independent endorsements which suggest that, as an employee, you possess the necessary skills to take on a particular job or task. Since numerous IT positions require a specific set of skills, knowledge of technical software and procedure along with earning a credential in a specified area convinces employers of your suitability for a role. As such, deliberating on the most sought-after tech job certifications is crucial to landing the desired position. Here’s a look at the ones topping the list. Artificial