
What Will Artificial Intelligence Bring to 2020?

                 What Will Artificial Intelligence Bring to 2020? 2019 has been a monumental year for  artificial intelligence (AI) , with breakthroughs that have already and will further change the world as we know it. Whether it was Samsung transforming facial images to videos or Google and the gamification of memories, AI is making it possible for science fiction to become a reality. While still in its infancy, AI is expected to grow by more than 100% year-on-year for at least the next five years to come. This boom in AI has made it one of the fastest moving and also the least predictable of industries. Even so,  what does AI have in store for us as the decade wraps up? AI in National Security Some of the leading nations of the world are already seeing increased investment in AI for military and defence purposes. China’s expenditure of more than $21 billion and the creation of a Military-Civil Fusion Development Commission in 2017 point to an expedite transfer of  A

Corona Precautions

Everything you need to know about Salesforce Certification

               Everything you need to know about Salesforce Certification Salesforce roles offer a varied range starting from the ones engaged in Technical fields like architects, developers and so on to those involved in marketing and sales.  Salesforce Certifications  can readily increase the marketability of a person in the IT market by helping them become a subject matter expert. The best of Salesforce is its flexibility. It lets you choose and control your own career path. And, with the addition of more certifications, it will get easier for you to command for a higher salary or hourly rate. Salesforce certification overview: Administrators  – Those who are applying for this particular Certification should have a detailed idea about Salesforce customization and configuration. Basically, an administrator needs to focus on defining the requirements of users, customizing the Salesforce platform, and helping users to get the most out of the solutions. App   Builders  

Jobs in Information Technology in India

                              Jobs in Information Technology in India The employment potential and prospects in the  Information Technology sector  are quite promising and robust. In India, it is an industry comprising of two major components, viz, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) and IT services. Since 1998, it has contributed majorly to India’s GDP contribution, raising it from 1.2% in 1998 to 7.7% in 2017. India’s total revenue from the Information Technology sector amounts to a staggering US$ 260 billion, as reported in 2017. These figures justify the employment and job opportunities in this segment generates for the dense population of the Indian sub-continent. Talking about the contemporary world economy, India stands at the top in the list of largest exporters of IT. In India, 79% of the industry’s total revenue is generated by exports. Nonetheless, even the domestic market offers significant and robust revenue growth. The Topmost Indian IT service providers


Key Tips to Ace Your First Tech Interview

                            Key Tips to Ace Your First Tech Interview You’ve been applying for jobs consistently over the past few months. It must have been a time-consuming process, having to write all those cover letters and present a perfect pitch to your potential employers. But now, after an agonizingly long wait, you’ve landed your first tech interview! Amidst the exhilaration, there’s also sneaking anxiety because you don’t know what to expect or how to go about preparing for it. Don’t worry! We’ve got you covered. Keep reading for some key tips on how to ace your first tech interview and all the subsequent interviews. Be Professional –  At any kind of interview, it is important that your mannerism remain formal. You should communicate your sense of professionalism, even when you are not talking. Work etiquette matters more than you think. And if you are already behaving like their ideal employee, your chances of getting hired are much higher. Brush up o